Modular Course AMI Diploma (3-6) price

Fees (Modular Course AMI Diplom (3-6))

  • Registration Fee: 520,00 €
  • Course Fee: 6.150,00 €
  • Examination Fee: 590,00 €
  • AMI Membership Fee (Kursjahr) 30,00 €
  • Aditional costs for books and office supplies apply.
  • The method of payment can be agreed with the training centre.


Fees (Certificate course)

  • Course Fee: 700,00 €

Employer Information Bavaria

The Bavarian State Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family and Integration stated in a letter dated 22.12.2014, that the [AMI Montessori Diploma can be included in the] “Kita Berufeliste

“From this list you can currently find that applicants with an AMI Montessori diploma
(891 qualifying hours) for the aforementioned age group
in Montessori kindergartens are to be considered suitable for work as an assistant kindergarten

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